A Little About Us…
My Journey:
As the Founder of True Fit Balance, I strive to bring body, mind, and life into harmony and help you become the best version of yourself.
Not only am I a certified life coach, but also, I am a certified personal trainer, nutrition coach, cancer exercise specialist and senior exercise specialist. My coaching will help you overcome the “I hate change” mentality. My philosophies on weight management behaviors as well as mental and physical exercises for long-term stress management will help you to believe in yourself and see the person you were meant to be.
Change is hard. We are all unique individuals. YOU need to find solutions that work best for YOU. I can help you leave your comfort zone.
How do I know this? I did it myself. Do not let the “fear” of change keep you from achieving your dreams. Believe in YOURSELF.
Life is a series of moments. It’s YOUR moment. It’s YOUR life.